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Microbe-like formations in the blood of patients with chronic diseases
Dr Erik O. H. Enby, MD, Göteborg 1984.
A number of different microbe-like formations, not described earlier,
have been identified by means of direct microscopy of untreated
blood using a darkfield, phase contrast and interference contrast
with a magnification of up to 1:1200. Some of these formations are
found in healthy individuals, although only rarely. Others have
thus far only been observed in patients suffering from chronic diseases
such as severe allergies, multiple sclerosis and cancer etc. These
microbe-like formations may occur alone or in clusters. The appearence
of the clusters can vary as follows:
- Small bubble-like formations with small moving granules (up to
7 µ ).
- Larger bubble-like formations with microbe-like formations (up
to 1/10 mm).
- Roe-like accumulations of small mobile granules.
- Ball-like structures with lifeless, cone-shaped centres and
peripheries composed of moving microbe-like formations.
- “Swarms” with a large number of active microbe-like
formations and severely altered red blood corpuscles.
The alterations described above cannot be observed in ordinary stained
blood smears. Their origin and classification cannot be determined
with certainty, but the possibility that they are microbes cannot
be ruled out.
and background
That microorganisms invade the human body and thereby cause somatic
disturbances has been totally accepted by the medical profession
since the time of Pasteur, and for many diseases the causative microbe
has been described. For chronic, degenerative and malignant conditions
no microbes have been found that can be conceivable explanations
of the diseases, despite much searching. Nevertheless the thought
has been raised regularly in medical discussions that chronic diseases
of unknown etiology could be due to an invasion of microorganisms
such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. It can be difficult to confirm
the presence of microorganisms in body tissues microscopically and
by means of cultures. An example of this problem is the anaerobic
bacteria whose presence, for example, in insidious postoperative
infections has been difficult to demonstrate. It has become possible
only through the use of special techniques of obtaining the specimens
and special culture methods. One still suspects that certain unclear,
chronic, infectious-like diseases could be explained through the
presence of microorganisms that have not yet been able to be demonstrated.
Two principal lines of thought, which contradict one another, can
be observed within microbiology: (1) Monomorphism,
where it is thought that microorganisms appear in an unchangeable,
constant shape and that they can be divided strictly into groups.
(2) Pleomorphism, where it is thought
that microorganisms can have cycles, that is, they go through different
stages of development and that there is a continuous development from
virus via bacteria towards fungus.
Monomorphism, is the viewpoint that has been sanctioned within traditional
medicine ever since Pasteur. One of the foremost advocates of pleomorphism,
Günther Enderlein, published the results of this research in
a monograph in 1924 - Bakterien-Cyclogenie.
After detailed microscopic analyses of blood from both animals and
human beings, Enderlein believed he could demonstrate the presence
of microorganisms in the blood and, in addition, different stages
of development in them. He believed that in certain stages of development
these microorganisms lived in symbiosis with the body’s own
cells and that in other phases of development they could cause disease.
Enderlein thought that the optimal condition of health existed when
the microbes were in an early phase of development and that microbes
in later developmental stages became more and more pathogenic. Owing
to that, the symbiosis could be changed to parasitism upon the body’s
own cells.
Based on these ideas, I have used special microscopic equipment
to examine blood from a number of healthy and sick individuals,
the latter suffering from chronic diseases of unknown etiology.
Healthy individuals: 60 healthy experimental subjects and patients
with acute minor illnesses or injuries, with an age range of 20-30
years, were examined.
Patients: These cases came from my own practice. The diagnoses were
made at the hospital. The types of patients involved were primarily
those with severe allergies, neurological diseases, skin and muscle
diseases, and different types of malignant processes. There were
approximately 500 patients.
1) Microscopic equipment: Leitz’ laboratory microscope Dialux
20 equipped with a 100W halogen lamp. Modified UK condenser for darkfield,
phase contrast and interference contrast. Plan-Fluotar-objective.
Binocular photo tube FSA. All documentation was done with Leitz’
completely automatic microscope camera, Vario-Orthomat.
2) Materials and specimens for microscopy: Blood from the fingertips
of the experimental subjects. The drop of blood was smeared out
by capillary action to a thin layer between the cover slide and
the object slide. In order to prevent drying, the edges of the cover
slide were covered with immersion oil. Microscopy was carried out
immediately or within 4 hours after the specimens were obtained.
Healthy individuals
By means of the microscopic study of large smears, microbe-like formations
were found in the blood of these individuals that were similar to
those that will be described later, but in a very small number compared
to what was found in the blood of sick individuals. These formations
can be divided into:
a) Bubble-like formations of different sizes, from 5-10 µm,
which are present alone or in groups. They contain granules that
whirl around at great speed (Figure
b) Microbe-like formations of different sizes and shapes. The size
can vary from ½ to 70 µm and the shape from round to
bean-shaped or worm-like. During long periods of observation (hours)
the shapes can merge into each other. These formations always have
their own activity that clearly differs from Brownian molecular
movement and the small forms can be seen both inside and outside
the red blood cells (Figure 2).
In patients with chronic diseases the findings described above increased
both in quantity and in size. Sometimes the bubble-like formations
burst and their contents went out into the plasma.
Findings which were not observed in healthy individuals:
a) Roe-like accumulations of small granules. Sometimes the granules
separate themselves and spread out into the plasma (Figure
3). In a study, the development of the granules in the patient’s
own serum was followed for five months. The granules did not divide
themselves, but grew in length, eventually resembling the worm-like
formations with their own activity described above.
b) In patients with anemias the erythrocytes were sometimes coated
with a transparent sheet that was rather like the erythrocyte in
appearance and shape. This sheet could form a long narrow process
that sometimes had a small widening at the end of it (Figure
c) In patients with long-term malignant tumours, three types of formations
have been observed namelly (1) large bubble-like formations, (2) "ball"
structures and (3) the "swarm”.
Large bubble-like formations and formations with large numbers of
Large bubble-like formations (size up to 1/10 mm) or many smaller
bubble-like formations scattered over the entire smear occur. Sometimes
they can be held together by means of threadlike connections that
run between the blood corpuscles. When the blood is smeared out
into a thin layer between the cover slide and the object slide,
the bubble-like formations look like round cavities (Figure
5a and figure 5b).
In these large bubble-like formations large numbers of active microbe-like
formations of different sizes are always seen. The more chronic
the disease, the greater and more numerous the bubble-like formations
one can see. So far I have found the largest bubble-like formations
in multiple sclerosis.
“Ball” structures
Sometimes ball-like objects occur in the blood. When such a ”ball”
is flattened out between the cover slide and the object slide, a
disc-like formation appears that can be 1/10 mm in diameter. Around
it is a zone with large numbers of active microbe-like formations
of different shapes and sizes. The inside of the disc lacks mobility
and is sometimes cone-like in appearance (Figure
The “swarm”
With a magnification of 1:100, apparently unwarranted bright areas
are seen in the smear. Here the blood corpuscles become less dense
and the erythrocytes become somewhat “moth-eaten” in
their contours and more and more transparent towards the centre
of the bright spot (Figure 7).
By means of interference contrast microscopy with a magnification
of 1:1200, a large number of active microbe-like formations of different
sizes and shapes are seen in such a bright area. They are both inside
and outside of the erythrocytes that are seen to change into so-called
thorn-apple forms or to degenerate and take on a polymorphous appearance
(Figure 8 and figure
This "swarm" is probably held together in a little clot
of phlegm-like substance. Squeezed out between the cover slide and
the object slide in the smear it appears as a light area that sometimes
can be several mm in diameter.
My first thought concerning these observations was that it could
be a question of artefacts owing to dirt on the slides. With equivalent
microscopy of only the object and cover slides some arberant forms
could be seen, but not all of the types that have been described
above. Blood coagulation and the formation of fibrin could be considered
as an explanation for the formations. This is contradicted, however,
by the fact that the formations can be observed within several minutes
after obtaining the specimens and also by the intense activity that
cannot be illustrated in stills but can be observed in the living
specimen. The microbe-like formations move with swimming movements,
sometimes right out of the field of vision.
Of course it is still too early to comment on the origin and classification
of these microbe-like formations and further research is needed
in this area. The fact that certain formations so far are observed
only in sick people and that they all increase in number with chronic
disease, plus their very distinctive pattern of activity, causes
me to regard them as living microorganisms of the same type as Enderlein
described earlier.
Their significance for the disease in which they are found can be
either in the form of a contributing etiological factor or a parallel
Enby, Erik O. H.
(1983). Redovisning av fynd vid mikroskopering
av levande blod från två patienter med Morbus Hodgkin
och tre patienter med maligna tumörsjukdomar. (Report
of findings from microscopic examination of fresh blood from two patients
with Hodgkin’s disease and three patients with malignant tumours).
Göteborg. Edition C&L Förlag. ISBN 91-970480-1-1.
Enderlein, Günther
(1981). Bakterien-Cyclogenie. (2.
Ausgabe). Hoya. Semmelweis-Verlag.
© 1984-2004. Dr Erik Enby. All rights reserved. This article
may only be reproduced in its entirety.
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